Child Support and Enforcement Lawyer

Child Support Matters Can Be Challenging

At the law office of C. L. Crawley Jr., P.C., you will find a caring and effective child support lawyer with over 4 decades of experience. Our firm assists individuals in The Woodlands area with negotiating, mediating and litigating child support and other family law matters.

Texas courts follow a set of guidelines when it comes to determining child support. It is essentially a mathematical formula based upon the net pay or income of the non – custodial parent. There are exceptions that allow the court to deviate from the guidelines based upon Texas Family Code and case law.

Fostering Support Solutions in the Child’s Best Interest

Our law firm frequently handles child support matters for divorcing couples from all walks of life and all income levels, including those involved in high asset divorces seeking to protect their financial interests and those with significant debts struggling to make ends meet.

Some parents are surprised at “how little” the amount of child support or spousal support is. Other parents are upset at “how much” they will have to pay. Our attorney’s goal in all support matters is to seek a support solution that is going to ensure that the child’s needs are met.

Mr.Crawley Jr. makes it his goal to ensure that he has accurate information from both you and the other party to help the judge determine appropriate child support. We have access to an extensive array of forensic accountants and investigators who can ferret out the financial worth of a business or other asset so that the court is provided with the accurate income of the parties prior to a final order.

When the Support Does Not Come — Child Support Enforcement

If the parent obligated to pay child support is unable to pay because they have lost their job, they must seek to a modification immediately to change the support order. Failure to do so can result in a parent owing a significant amount of support that he or she is unable to pay. Worse yet, parents who fail to pay child support may be held in contempt of court and punished by the Judge with a fine or jail or both.

When you need swift and aggressive action because the other parent of your child has stopped paying support, we can help. We also represent clients in interstate and international child support and child custody matters.

Initial Consultation Now

If you have questions about child support, modification or other family law questions, please call or e-mail the law office of C. L. Crawley Jr., P.C. today to schedule a helpful meeting: (281) 362-8181.